Is Stress Killing Your Team’s Performance?
Burnout is a problem for every organization and costs over $300B in revenue annually in the United States alone. Yet very few organizations have devoted attention and sufficient resources to this area. If you are looking to gain a competitive advantage through your people, if you are wanting to improve employee engagement and retention, it is time for you stop thinking about it and act.
In today’s world, work does not stop when people clock out, and life does not stop when people clock in. We have been chasing the myth of a work/life balance that is unachievable. At Prospective Force approach things by creating harmony between the two by focusing on the concept of a work/life CONGRUENCE. For your people to perform their best they need help in three main areas:

We must stop separating physical health from mental health and meet people where they are with their needs. We help people achieve the highest level of health by proactively optimizing the Mind, Internal Health, Nourishment, and movement that is tailored to each individual.

When people’s life is not going well, it spills into their work performance. We cannot be machines and just “turn our life problems off” when we come to work. Whether it be their Identity, Relationship, Life Design, or Finances we help your people define and obtain their desired state for each.

Employee engagement is at 33% percent and is costing US businesses $600B annually. Solving this by using “Band-Aid solutions” just creates more problems. We help companies create engaged employees by improving the Employee Experience, Performance Management, and Change Management.
Employees Experiencing Burnout Are:

We are here to help!
We do not claim to be the best at everything we do. Some of our people are great at certain things while others are great at others. It is our approach that makes us the best in improving employee engagement. Instead of being “Jacks of All Trade,” we have a process that brings in experts from our vetted network to solve the problems they are most suited for. Like a great subcontractor that builds a house, we rely on experts to execute the best part of the job. Working under our centralized process helps to align several experts to deliver the best solution to your team’s needs.

Why Choose Us?
We are well-experienced business professionals that do not believe in a “One Size Fits All” formula approach. We get to know you and your needs and then collaborate on a solution. Our values include: